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Mathematical Inequalities
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The story so far...

The Research Group in Mathematical Inequalities and Applications (RGMIA) was founded in September 1998 and was based at Victoria University up until 2009. The group is lead by N. S. Barnett, P. Cerone, S.S. Dragomir (Chair) and A. Sofo and now boasts over 1300 members worldwide.

Within months of its initiation, the RGMIA began its own electronic technical reports series, 'RGMIA Research Report Collection' (RRC), see  reports.php) . As a result, the latest research in inequalities and their applications is made readily available to members in a timely fashion. Volumes 1 to 10 were printed and exchanged with other journals.

After one year of fruitful experience with RGMIA and its RRC which is recognised by, and present in many international databases on the internet, we started an international, peer refereed electronic journal, "Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics" (JIPAM) (see This journal aims to foster and develop further growth in all areas of mathematics relating to inequalities. The journal accepts high quality papers containing original research results, survey articles of exceptional merit, short letters and notes. The editorial board (see is comprised of 76 internationally recognized researchers - many of whom are world leaders in their own fields. JIPAM is reviewed by the Mathematical Reviews of the American Mathematical Society (see and by the corresponding European publication and database Zentralblatt MATH (see It is mirrored on the European Mathematical Information Service (see and covered by Scopus (see, which is the largest abstract and citation database in the world.

RGMIA research work has been acknowledged in the History book on Australian Mathematics authored by Professor G. Cohen, "Counting Australia in, the People, Organisations and Institutions of Australian Mathematics", Halsted Press, Sydney, 2007 (see p. 306, where the picture of the group at the launch of JIPAM in November 2000, "The Australian", is reproduced).  The research contribution of the group in Mathematical Analysis is also recognized in the document "Mathematics & Statistics: Critical Skills for Australia's Future, the National Strategic Review of Mathematical Sciences research in Australia", conducted by a working party appointed by the National Committee for the Australian Academy of Science (see page 46,


Last modified: March 14 2014 10:12:03.

Navy Line