RGMIA Monographs

S.S. Dragomir  
Advances in Inequalities of the Schwarz, Triangle and Heisenberg Type in Inner Product Spaces  (pdf) (ps)   (283 pages in total)


The purpose of this book is to give a comprehensive introduction to several inequalities in Inner Product Spaces that have important applications in various topics of Contemporary Mathematics such as: Linear Operators Theory, Partial Differential Equations, Nonlinear Analysis, Approximation Theory, Optimization Theory, Numerical Analysis, Probability Theory, Statistics and other fields.



S.S. Dragomir
April, 2005.


Note: This book is not in final form. The Editor invites researchers with comments to contact him for their results to be included in a new version.
To reference this book, please use the following:
S.S. DRAGOMIR (Ed.), Advances in Inequalities of the Schwarz, Triangle and Heisenberg Type in Inner Product Spaces, RGMIA Monographs, Victoria University, 2005. (ONLINE: http://ajmaa.org/RGMIA/monographs.php/). rg/RGMIA/monographs.php/).