1. |
Peng Gao
A Note on a Paper by G. Bennett and G. Jameson
2. |
Feng Qi, Bai-Ni Guo and Chao-Ping Chen
A Lower Bound for Ratio of Power Means
3. |
S.S. Dragomir
New Inequalities of Grüss Type for the Stieltjes Integral and Applications
4. |
J.V. Malesevic
On a Mean Value on Interval [a,b] in the Context of
Complementary and Reciprocal Means
5. |
Peng Gao
On An Inequality of Diananda
6. |
N.S. Barnett and S.S. Dragomir
Applications of Ostrowski's Version of the Grüss Inequality for Trapezoid Type
7. |
E.V. Sharikov
Hermite-Hadamard Type Inequalities for Increasing Radiant Functions
8. |
N.S. Barnett, P. Cerone and S.S. Dragomir
Some New Inequalities for Hermite-Hadamard Divergence in Information Theory
9. |
A. Florea and C.P. Niculescu
A Note on the Ky Fan Inequality
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S.S. Dragomir and N.T. Diamond
Integral Inequalities of Grüss Type via Pólya-Szegö and Shisha-Mond Results
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P. Cerone
Estimation of Relative Entropy Using Novel Taylor-Like Representations
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S.S. Dragomir and F.P. Scarmozzino
A Refinement of Jensen's Discrete Inequality for Differentiable Convex Functions
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Chao-Ping Chen and Feng Qi
The Best Bounds in Wallis' Inequality
14. |
S.S. Dragomir, V. Gluscevic and C.E.M. Pearce
New Approximations for
f-Divergence via Trapezoid and Midpoint Inequalities
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Peng Gao
Ky Fan Inequality and Bounds for Differences of Means II