1. |
S.S. Dragomir
An Inequality for Logarithmic Mapping and Applications for the Relative Entropy
2. |
G. Hanna, S.S. Dragomir and P. Cerone
A General Ostrowski Type Inequality for Double Integrals
3. |
S.S. Dragomir and V. Gluscevic
Some Inequalities for the Kullback-Leibler and
c2- Distances in
Information Theory and Applications
4. |
P. Cerone and S.S. Dragomir
On Some Inequalities Arising from Montgomery's Identity
5. |
S.S. Dragomir, J. Sunde and C. Buse
Some New Inequalities for Jeffreys Divergence Measure in Information Theory
6. |
P. Cerone and S.S. Dragomir
Generalisations of the Grüss, Chebychev and Lupas inequalities for Integrals
over Different Intervals
7. |
A. Sofo
A Convoluted Fibonacci Sequence - Part I
8. |
P. Cerone and S.S. Dragomir
New Bounds for a Perturbed Generalised Taylor's Formula
9. |
Jovan V. Malesevic
On an Inequality and a Mean Value
10. |
S.S. Dragomir and T.M. Rassias
A Mapping Associated with Jensen's Inequality and Applications
11. |
P. Cerone
Three Point Rules in Numerical Integration
12. |
F. Qi
Inequalities of Sequences Involving Convex Functions and
Logarithmically Convex Sequences
(This manuscript has been withdrawn at the author's request) |
13. |
S.S. Kim, S.S. Dragomir, A. White and Y.J. Cho
On Some Grüss Type Inequality in 2-Inner Product Spaces and Applications
14. |
F. Qi
Monotonicity of Sequences Involving Convex Function and Sequence
15. |
N.S. Barnett, P. Cerone, S.S. Dragomir and A.M.
Comparing Two Integral Means for Absolutely Continuous Mappings Whose Derivatives are in
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